Relationship Development Intervention® (RDI®) Certified Consultant - RDI® is a Third Generation Remediation Process for Austim Occupational Therapy is about participation and performance in everyday life activities Connect and Relate for Autism - Relationship Development Intervention RDI® has been developed to Remediate Information Processing Deficits that are universal but by no means unique to people on the Autism Spectrum


  Connect and Relate for Autism (CARFA)  CaRfA Logo  
  Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®) go to website


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 Advanced Brain


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 Working Memory 

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Prue Watson

Occupational Therapist


0404 461 739

Practice Address
45A Lucas St
Rockhampton Q 4701

How RDI® helps Families

For Information about how RDI® helps families refer to the following websites

Connect & Relate for Autism

RDI Connect

RDI Consulant Australia

For further information or questions

Contact Me